Made in New Jersey

Ring! Ring!

Dumbwaiter with Plate

“The simplest, most durable, and economical waiter ever made. Lifts easily fifty to seventy-five pounds” states The Storm Manufacturing Co. Catalogue in 1895.  Liberty Hall’s dumbwaiter, added to the house in the late 1800s,  runs from the last kitchen used by the Kean family (currently the museum’s rotating exhibit space) to the Butler’s Pantry, making serving meals a “breeze” for the kitchen staff, butler, and footmen working for the Kean family. The dumbwaiter was raised and lowered by a system of hand ropes and pulleys counterbalanced by adjustable iron weights.  There is a call bell on the left door jam in the Butler’s Pantry to call the dumb waiter, and just like that, meals could be served (or dirty dishes returned to the kitchen!). While no longer in existence The Storm Manufacturing Company was located at 161 & 163 Washington Street, Newark, N.J.