Summer Adventures (Drop Off Program): Fairy Trails and Tales
Liberty Hall Museum 1003 Morris Ave., Union, NJThe fairies of Liberty Hall have left a string of clues on our trails. Drop off program!
The fairies of Liberty Hall have left a string of clues on our trails. Drop off program!
Learn how Revolutionary-era spies used codes, dead drops, and ciphers to convey military intelligence.
Learn some of the stories and legends passed down through generations at Liberty Hall.
Experience the wonders of nature at the Arboretum at Liberty Hall!
The historical portraits of the residents of Liberty Hall hold many secrets!
Join us for Turkey Time and travel back in time to learn about the history and traditions of the upcoming holiday, Thanksgiving!
Colonial and Victorian America were smelly times! Join the afterschool fun and learn why!
Take a closer look at those coins in your piggy bank!
Get ready for Valentine’s Day with your little man!
The Museum at Liberty Hall is the perfect place to celebrate Scouts' Day and the founding of the Boy Scouts!