Gingerbread House Workshop
Liberty Hall Museum 1003 Morris Ave., Union, NJ**As of December 6, 2023, this session of Gingerbread Workshop is SOLD OUT!**
**As of December 6, 2023, this session of Gingerbread Workshop is SOLD OUT!**
Colonial and Victorian America were smelly times! Join the afterschool fun and learn why!
Baby, it's cold outside...come cure Winter Blues in our snowy wonderland!
Take a closer look at those coins in your piggy bank!
Liberty Hall has been FROZEN over by Queen Elsa and her icy powers!
Get ready for Valentine’s Day with your little man!
The Museum at Liberty Hall is the perfect place to celebrate Scouts' Day and the founding of the Boy Scouts!
Happy Valentine's Day! Discover the valentines of Liberty Hall and learn the history of St. Valentine.
Join us for a super good time at our Dr. Seuss' Birthday Party!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Join us on a good luck scavenger hunt around Liberty Hall!